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Suburb insights for Mount Martha3934

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Mount Martha is located 53 km south of the CBD. Mount Martha is a bayside suburb on the Mornington Peninsula. It is traditionally a popular retirement area and has a number of aged care facilities. Mount Martha is predominantly residential in the west and more rural in the east incorporating small agricultural holdings as well as recreational facilities. Mount Martha features the large 'The Briars Historical Park' and the Devilbend Reservoir.

Recent sales and auction results in Mount Martha

AddressBedroomsPriceTypeMethodSale DateAgentListing
61 Park Rd, Mount martha4PriceHouse (Res)Private Sale12/02/2025Warlimont & NuttView
28 Ozone Av, Mount martha3PriceHouse (Res)Private Sale11/02/2025Warlimont & Nutt
10 Dickinson Gr, Mount martha3PriceHouse (Res)Private Sale9/02/2025Warlimont & NuttView
90 Somerset Dr, Mount martha4PriceHouse (Res)Private Sale13/02/2025Danckert Real Estate - Danckert Real Estate

Sales data

Median sale price
Quarterly price change
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsMount MarthaMetro comparison
InsightMount MarthaMetro comparison
Clearance rate72.6%
Days on market51.543

Rental data

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Rental yield
Metro Melbourne Comparison
BedroomsMount MarthaMetro comparison
Median data for the current quarter
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